Episode 66 - "We have our first guest today"
For Episode 66 (here's the Star Wars reference Justin was talking about), Sean and Justin sat down fairly quickly (at least of late!) since their last podcast to talk taxes. Yes, that's right. Taxes! Their long-time friend Karen, who is a doctor in Vancouver, wondered if they would be interested in having a discussion around the proposed tax changes that the Canadian government is proposing. And so the duo took to the Interwebs to find out more about the issue (like this useful radio interview), and Karen joined them as their first ever podcast guest (first in 10 years!) to take a deeper dive into the issue. Not being tax experts, the three do their best to understand the tax implications, but more importantly to unpack the real life implications to physicians and as well how emotional the language has been throughout the consultation process to date. Case in point, the pretty one-sided tone in which this blog was written. Public consultations continue until October 2, 2017. Finance Canada is receiving responses via fin.consultation.fin@canada.ca